Natal Chart – Geocentric Astrological Analysis


It comes with your choice of either 60+ minutes of audio or about 10-15 pages of the written report (pdf format)

The price is $75


A Natal Chart is an astrology of the birth chart and is unique to each of us. It is like the mirror image of the planets, asteroids, and fixed stars at the time of your birth, like a cosmic map of the placement of all the planets and their journey around the Sun at the moment of your birth. Well, in this analysis, I will provide information on how to clear so-called “karma” to live dharma and live your purpose in this life. There are many “tools” and techniques on how to do it successfully! Learning how to forgive, release, and let it go for everything and anybody, including you. The most important lesson to learn to live on Earth is to learn how to “manipulate energies,” meaning how to create. Everything you want in this life must be created and defined in many details.

In this analysis, I like to focus on many things but mainly on balancing your body and soul and what this life offers you and your soul.

For analysis, we need about 48 – 72 hours. It is entirely hands-on work and analysis.

We need the following data: Your name, date and time of your birth, and place of your birth.

The analysis is confidential; only your first name and data regarding place and time of birth are on the chart. However, if you prefer to include your last name as well, I will do that. Some people even like to place their photo. It is your choice.


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